Avatar Cropper

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Avatar Cropper

Avatar cropper is a new app that crops and edits avatar pictures to make them the perfect size and shape for Discord. The company behind Avatar Cropper, Online Resize Image, has been working on the project for the past year and was created with social media in mind.

Avatar cropper is a free tool that allows users to upload and crop avatars. This can be very useful for those people who are always taking screenshots of their avatars. Avatar cropper is also great for making avatars that are the right size for Discord and all social media sites.

Also check out Discord Profile Picture Resizer

How to use the Avatar Cropper?

Avatar Cropper can be used in the following ways.

Step 1: Drag and drop your desired image onto this circle or click on it and select your image.

Dragging and Dropping or Upload the Image

Step 2: Click the edit button on the image box.

Edit Image with Discord Profile Picture ResizerStep 3: Adjust Your image’s position and click the Confirm button.

Adjust the position of Image


Step 4: Download your image and upload it to Discord after clicking on the download button.

Download ImageStep 5: Once you have used the Discord Profile Picture Resizer tool, remove the downloaded image.

Remove the Image after DownloadI hope you enjoy our tool and spread it to your friends and family as much as possible. Remember to bookmark our site and spread the word through your social media accounts.

Note: Profile pictures should be 128 x 128 pixels, but Discord will crop them if they are larger than that.

Our image has been resized to 512 x 512 pixels. A Discord image is automatically reduced to 128 x 128 pixels when uploaded.